Socioanalysis Journals

Socioanalysis Vol 26 2025
Refereed Papers
Alexandra Garita
Organizational challenges in transnational feminist movement-building: systems psychodynamics perspectives
Haneen Maikey and Muhammad Abed Elhalim
Dismantling Dichotomies: A Psychodynamic and Group Relations Approach to Queer Organizing in Palestine
Anasuya Sengupta
Dawn Poem 2004
Edited by Linzi Manicom
Social justice fantasies and organizational realities: a conversation on leadership in social movement organizations with Anita Prasad, Sree Nallamothu, Victor Willis and Barbara Williams. Toronto, 2024
Simon Western
From Salvation Aid to Eco-Mutualist Aid The Psycho-Social Dynamics of INGOsand Humanitarianism
Book Reviews
Philip Boxer
Psychoanalysis, Politics, Oppression and Resistance: Lacanian Perspectives. Edited by Chris Vanderwees and Kristen Hennessy, London, Routledge, 2022, 240 pages
Jun Lu
Toward a Social Psychoanalysis: Culture, Character, and Normative Unconscious Processes, by Lynne Layton (Marianna Leavy-Sperounis, Ed.), USA, Routledge, 2020, 348 pages

Socioanalysis Vol 25 2024
Refereed Papers
Saskia de Maat, Olga Scherbakova and Erik van de Loo
Metaphors of Success: Finding potential manifestations of unconscious phantasy?
Neo Pule
Social Dream Drawing: A participatory action research methodology to study student leadership towards social justice.
Vartika Jaini
Influence of unconscious dynamics on methods of enquiry – insights from the non-profit sector in India.
Brigid Nossal
Collaboration and Consulting: An impossible task?
Book Reviews
Alan Shafer
An Introduction to Systems Psychodynamics: Consultancy Research and Training, by Mannie Sher and David Lawlor. Routledge: Oxon, 2022.
Jinette de Gooijer
All That We Are: Uncovering the Hidden Truths Behind Our Behaviour at Work by Gabriella Braun, London: Piatkus, 2022.
Rhianna Perkin
Work Matters: Consulting to leaders and organizations in the Tavistock tradition by Francesca Cardona. London: Routledge, 2020.

Socioanalysis Vol 24 2023
Susan Long, Yiannis Gabriel and Jonathan Gosling
Obituary: Professor Dr Burkard Sievers
Gilles Amado Deadly ‘Institutional Harassment’: an exemplary case of managerial perversion
Ajeet N. Mathur Institutional Toxicity in Sticky Polarities
Leslie Goldenberg Roles of the Coach Within the Walls: Trojan Horse, Field Medic, Canary in the Coal Mine
Martin Ludemann ‘Walls’ to protect innovation? A case from industry
Emma Tranchina, Helen McKelvie & Wendy Harding Successful succession: Creating space for giving up and taking up
Rhianna Perkin Leading to the End
Jan Schluter Relevance of Intergenerational Patterns for the Supervision of Executive Coaches
Book Reviews: Margo Lockhart Psychological Roots of the Climate Crisis: Neoliberal exceptionalism and the customer of uncare. By Sally Weintrobe, USA, Bloomsbury Publishing Inc., 2021, 332 pages Thibault de Swarte Psychoanalysis and Organisations: Theories, clinics, interventions. By Gilles Arnaud, Pascal Fugier and Benedict Vidaillet. Eres: Toulouse, 2018

Socioanalysis Vol 23 2022
Elco Schwartz Leadership Unbound: Female Leadership Effectiveness in Modern China
Against the Backdrop of Collective Traumas & Emerging Opportunities
Elizabeth Florent Treacy The roles of subgroups in organizational change: Legitimacy, equilibrium, and the presence of absence
Richard Morgan-Jones The Trilogy Matrix Event: A New Practice for the Study
of Group and Organisational Dynamics
Simon Western and Bernie McDonnell N.I.P.I not B.A.R.T. : Designing a Group Relations Conference for our Precarious-Interdependent World
Book Reviews
Marlene Marberg Strengthening Spirit – Releasing Potential: Spiritual Direction
for Leadership and Organizational Development by Dr Bernadette Miles PhD. Pickwick Publications: Eugene, Oregon, 2021
Allan Shafer Finding a Place to Stand: Developing self-reflective institutions, leaders and citizens,
by Edward R. Shapiro. Phoenix Publishing House: Bicester, 2020

Socioanalysis Vol 22 2021
Philip Boxer
Vive la différence: when a choice is not about choosing
Margo Lockhart
Dissociation, ‘the Meat Paradox’ and leadership
Hannah Piterman
Society at the edges – Populism, polarisation, and paralysis
Jenny Smith
It’s those bloody boat people again: COVID-19, the Ruby Princess and the Politics of the Pandemic
Michelle Morrison
Back to the Future: Using psychoanalytic processes to facilitate integrative responses to paradox within a global, professional services firm
Wendy Harding and Brigid Nossal
The ‘Dream Keepers’: exploring the conscious and unconscious interplay between dreams, dreamers and reality in the creation of an educational institute
Claudia Nagel
Getting from Fear to Trust.
Book Reviews
Marisa Guerin
The Struggle for Justice: Conversations with John Bottomley about Transforming Church Community Services by Kate Dempsey, PhD, published 2020 by Coventry Press, Australia
John Newton
Sand Talk by Tyson Yunkaporta, Melbourne: Text Publishing, 2019

Socioanalysis Vol 21 2019
Allan Shafer Colonial Domination and the Struggle for Identity: a 2019 Exploratory Perspective
Gouranga Chattopadhyay The Sixth Basic Assumption baPu (basic assumption Purity/Pollution)
Jane Chapman Guarding Against Corruption
John Newton Notes on Revisiting ‘Clinging to the MBA Syndicate: Shallowness and ‘second skin’
learning in management education’
Susan Long Dreaming a Culture
Sheila White Contextualising Workplace Bullying as a Struggle and Futile Search for Recognition
Book Reviews
Antony Gleeson From Cradle to Global Citizen: finding our way in turbulent times by Lorraine Rose
ISBN 978 192 5231 816 Interactive Publications Pty Ltd 2018
Kristina Karlsson Love and Lonliness at Work: An inspirational guide for consultants, leaders and other
professionals by Birgitte Bonnerup and Annemette Hasselager
Routledge: Abingdon and New York 2019

Socioanalysis Vol 20 2018
Herbert Hahn Dreaming and Transformation Beyond the Couch
Margo Lockhart Prying Open the Collective Blind Eye to Animal Abuse:Can Socioanalysis contribute to understandingand changing the way we treat animals?
Philip Boxer Working with ‘the irritation of doubt’: The place of metaphor
Emma Tranchina Space for the good enough women:Exploring aspects of leading, belonging and self in all-women groups
Kristina Karlsson From hero to partner in emergency management in Australia
Book Reviews:
John Newton Political Correctness and the Destruction of the Social Order.Chronicling the Rise of the Pristine Self by Howard S. Schwartz:Palgrave Macmillan NY 2016
David Cook Says Who? The struggle for authority in a market-based economy,by Paul Verhaeghe (2015), English trans., Scribe: Melbourne and London, 2017

Socioanalysis Vol 19 2017
Susan Long The Socioanalytic Approach to Organisations
Bruno Boccara Homophobia in Tunisia as a Social Defense
Jenny Smith An Existential Analysis of Absurdity in Organisational life– made visible through use of metaphorand the Lacanian Plus-one group
Philip Boxer Caring Beyond Reason: A question of ethics
James Walker Optimism Bias of Governance Groups:A defence against lack of presumed knowledge
Ross Williams A Home for the Homeless
Rob Ryan Fifteen words on a Portal: Ethical dilemmas in a government school
Book Reviews:
Allan Souter Review of An Introduction to the Psychodynamics of Workplace Bullyingby Sheila White (Karnac 2013)

Socioanalysis Vol 18 2016
Agency in the Face of Helplessness – Greg Cook
The First Fleet: Australia’s Unconscious ‘Chosen Trauma’ and its Impact on our Asylum Seeker Policies – Jenny Smith
How to Respond to Xenophobia a Concrete Incident and Reflections on Responses it Elicited – Veronika Grueneisen
The Use of Detention as a Defence Against Intolerable Social Anxiety Towards Asylum Seekers – David Lawlor & Mannie Sher
Perverse Asylums: Failure of Decency Breeds Dangerous Resentment – Jon Jureidini
Social Dreaming as a Method for Exploring Seeking Asylum: Social Defenses Against &
Linking with Asylum Seekers and the Uncovering of Selected Facts of Seeking Asylum.– Sara Taylor and Tiffany Gray
Personal Reflections:
Nuala Dent, Jinette de Gooijer, Suzie Bourne, Michael Donnelly and John Newton
Crossing Borders: A Slow Walk and Reflective Dialogue.
Christine Hill
Playing in the Reality of Detention.
Daniela Incorvaia
A Counter-transferential Account of the Alliance with and the Destruction of the
Benevolent Therapist: Sociopolitical Obstacles to Reconciling the Punitive Object
and the Undeserving Self in the Refugee’s Search for Asylum.

Socioanalysis Vol 17 2015
DAVID ARMSTRONG: The Authority of the Dream
THOMAS KRETSCHMAR and JANA MEINEL: Using Colours in a Novel Association Technique to Explore the Mental Representations of Corporate Leaders
RICHARD MORGAN-JONES: Developing Sociotherapy as a Resource for Organisational Health
LOTTE SVALGAARD: The Struggle of Staying with Toxic Emotions when all you want to do is Leave
HANNAH PITERMAN: All that glitters is not gold – the allure of the business case for gender equality: An Australian perspective.
SUSAN MRAVLEK: Exile: A Perverse Form of Hatred. A Case Study of a Community Health Services Group
Book Reviews:
KRISTINA KARLSSON: Socio-analytic Dialogue: Incorporating Psychosocial Dynamics into Public Policies by Bruno Boccara London, Lexington Books 2014
ALICIA KAUFMANN: The Conscious Leader by Shelly Reciniello

Socioanalysis Vol 16 2014
KATHLEEN POGUE WHITE The Price of the Fear of Fading: some thoughts on women’s resistance to taking the role of Elder from a psychoanalytic perspective
BURKARD SIEVERS Extending the Socioanalytic Foundations of Trust, Distrust, the Lie, the Secret, Betrayal and Deception: The legacy of Herman Melville & George Simmel
STANLEY GOLD The Impossibility of Trust
KAY TRAINOR An Exploration of Unwork
KIERAN WHITE and PAUL LAWRENCE Reflective Sketching
JOY HUMPHREYS Splitting as a Social Defense against Stakeholder Engagement
GOURANGA CHATTOPADHYAY Exploring the Phenomenon of Denial of Personal Authority
LARRY HIRSCHHORN: Socioanalytic Methods, Edited by Susan Long: Review Essay

Socioanalysis Vol 15 2013
Socioanalysis and the Electronic Matrix – DAVID PATMAN
Managing the Risks of Social Disruption: What Can We Learn from the Impact of Social Networking Software? – PHILIP BOXER
Towards Reflexivity: Online and ‘In-the-Room’ – NUALA DENT
A Tale of One City: Social Dreaming and the Social Protest Movement – Occupy London at Tent City – MANNIE SHER
The ‘Faceless Mother’: Facebook and the Unconscious Perception of Leadership – JOSEPH TRIEST
Discussant’s Response: The Paradoxical Face of the Postmodern Authority – MICKY TODER-GOLDIN
Book Reviews:
Review of The Psychodynamics of Social Networking: Connected-up Instantaneous Culture and the Self by Aaron Balick – SUSAN LONG

Socioanalysis Vol 14 2012
Regeneration: The Confluence of Psychoanalysis, Biological Science, and Literature: Lessons for individual treatment and organizational consultation – Thomas Hoffman
The Psychodynamics of Climate Change Denial: The Need for an Ecopsychoanalysis – Charles Le Feuvre
Protecting the Underbelly: Shared Ontological Interests and Organizational Learning – Laurie Field
Shadows and Light: An Exploration of Leadership and Betrayal – Deborah Pascoe
Diagnosing organisational work cultures: a socio-analytic approach – Jinette De Gooijer
Systems Psycho-dynamic Aspects of Customer Service Workers’ Ethical Dilemmas and Emotional Labour – Sandor Takacs and Sara Scillag
Envy or a Simple Lack of Respect? Why all the Hype about Generational Differences? Judy Kent
Social and Organisational Dreaming in Australia – Alastair Bain
Book Reviews:
Hans Van Den Hooff
Review of Psychoanalytic Reflections on a Changing World Edited
by Halina Brunning
Douglas Kirsner
Talk at the Book Launch for Towards a Socioanalysis of Money, Finance and Capitalism: Beneath the Surface of the Finance Industry
by Susan Long and Burkard Sievers

Socioanalysis Vol 13 2011
Colonialism in the Mind – Gouranga Chattopadhyay
The new unconscious: opening wider perspectives on society – Kenneth Eisold
Blaming BP: The dynamics of blame as social defense and in broadening organizational knowledge – Ian Miller
Strategy Development and Systems Psychodynamic Theory: Harold Bridger’s ideas of tuning in and working-through examined – Peter Szabo
Dr Jekyl and Mr Hyde: A case of splitting in intergroup relations – Claes Agin
Has God stopped calling or has the Church stopped listening?Perspectives on the decline and regeneration of ordained ministrycandidates for the Uniting Church in Australia – Kate Dempsey and John Bottomley

Socioanalysis Vol 12 2010
Add Sustainability and Stir – PELIWE MNGUNI
A Systems Psycho-dynamic Framework for Inter-agency Collaboration – JANELLE MORGAN
Individual and collective suffering of organisational failures in containment: Searching for a model to explore protomental dynamics – RICHARD MORGAN-JONES AND NUNO TORRES
The Use of Drawing in Socio-Analytic Exploration – BRIGID NOSSAL
Young people in France and their uses of computers: a potential space? – THIBAULT DE SWARTE

Socioanalysis Vol 11 2009
The Evolution of Basic Assumptions in Twenty-first Century Organizations – JAMES KRANTZ
Potential Space: The threatened source of individual and collective creativity – GILLES AMADO
Authority: The Contemporary Context – W G LAWRENCE
Role Contamination: Is the Poison in the Person or the Bottle? – JANE CHAPMAN AND SUSAN LONG
The Taming of a Shrew: Gender in the post-industrial society – BRITTA HÖGBERG
BRIGID NOSSAL – A Beam of Intense Darkness: Wilfred Bion’s Legacy to Psychoanalysis by James S. Grotstein,
London, Karnac, 2007.
JOHN NEWTON – Psychodynamics for Consultants and Managers by Leopold S. Vansina and Marie-Jeanne Vansina-Cobbaert
Wiley-Blackwell: England. 2008.
RALPH BIGGADIKE – The Murder in Merger by Jinette de Gooijer Karnac:
London 2009

Socioanalysis Vol 10 2008
Isabel Menzies Lyth: A personal memory – ALASTAIR BAIN
A Literary Avenue to the Organisation-in the-mind of a Chilean Worker – EDUARDO ACUNA AGUIRRE
Analyzing Stories for a Deeper Understanding of a Corporate Culture:The psychohistory of Lloyd deMause as a narrative analytic method – HEIDI MOLLER,CHRISTOFNETZERANDSILKESEEMANN
Social Dream-Drawing: A methodology in the making – ROSE REDDING MERSKY
The Opening-Up of a Different Space: ORA from the client’s perspective –WENDY HARDING AND BRIGID NOSSAL
Reality Testing in Systems – W.GORDON LAWRENCE
A Terrible Legacy: the lingering impact of predecessors on current leaders – KATE DEMPSEY
Review of ‘The Perverse Organisation and its Deadly Sins’ by Susan Long,
Karnac, London, 2008
Review of ‘Leadership: A Critical Text’ by Simon Western,
Sage Publications, 2008.102

Socio – Analysis Vol 9
Collective Guilt as a Force for Change: A concept paper – AMY FRAHER
University Culture and its Discontents: Some socio-analytic reflections on a university as a non-potential space – ARNDT-AHLERS NIEMANN
The Dialectic of Master-Slave in Large Groups and Organisations – WENDY HARDING
Headhunting: Psychodynamics of potential spaces created in the executive search process – THOMAS GILMORE
Blessed are the Cheese-Makers – JUDY KENT
Do You Know What it’s Like to be in My Shoes: A Consultant’s reflections on work in a specialist juvenile detention unit – ANTHONY GLEESON

Socio – Analysis Vol 8
On Good Authority – Paul Hoggett, Marj Mayo and Chris Miller
Psychodynamics of leadership Exits – Thomas Gilmore
Managing Oneself in Role as an Insider Researcher – Janelle Morgan
Organisational Consequences of Primary Task Ambiguity and the Associated Dynamics of Task Absence – Himadri Potter
Book Reviews:
Murray Gordon
Coaching in the Depth: The Organizational Role Analysis Approach
John Newton, Susan Long, Burkard Sievers (Editors):
A Review
Stephanie Segal
Executive Coaching Systems – Psychodynamic Perspective
Halina Brunning (Editor)
Coaching at Work – A Review

Socio – Analysis Vol 7
The Infinite in Business: The Transformation of Thinking – W. Gordon Lawrence
‘None of them ever asked about sex’: some personal thoughts as to why social workers have difficulty discussing sexuality with young people – Nigel Leech and Joy Trotter
Perspective on a High Tech Company: the case of personnel assessment – Thibault de Swartz A Lacanian
‘I’ve never thought of that before’: Organisational Role Analysis and Systems Development – John Newton
We Abandoned the Patient: Consumer representation – a social defence against patient status in mental health? – Hannah Piterman Have
Book Reviews:
‘Open Minds, Closing Systems: on the dynamics of conservation versus innovation in idea organizations’.
Review of: A History of Group Study and Psychodynamic
Organizations. By A. L. Fraher. London: Free Association
Books 2004.
Gerard van Reekum
Review of: Working Across the Gap: The Practice of Social
Science in Organizations. By Lisl Klein. London: Karnac
Stanley Gold

Socio Analysis Vol 6 2003
Special Issue:
Power and Politics in Organisations: Selected Proceedings from The Boston Symposium of the International Society for thePsychoanalytic Study of Organisations June, 2003
Edited by Susan Long, W.Gordon Lawrence and Burkard Sievers
Swimming with Sharks: The politics of survival in the large group – Stanley Gold
Facing Facts: what’s the good of change? – Philip Boxer
The Political Reality in Dreaming: a focus on form over content in the psychoanalytic view of Social Dreaming – E. Martin Walker
Victimhood and the Exclusion of the Other: from a Women’s Organization to National and Global Politics – Ilana Litvin and Judith Levy
Psychoanalytic Thoughts on 9/11 – Hans-Jürgen Wirth
Book Review:
David Gutmann with Oscar Iarussi ‘Psychoanalysisand Management: The Transformation’
Brigid Nossal

Socio Analysis Vol 5 2003
The Exclusionary Policies of ‘us and them’ in the IPA and Psychoanalytic Institutes – Douglas Kirsner
The Other – Gouranga P. Chattopadhyay
The Psychoanalytic Implications of Open Space Events – Sholom Glouberman
More than Medicine: The therapeutic relationship in general practice – Patrick Bolton and Allan Shafer
A Socio-Psychoanalytic Perspective On Group Dynamics, Cults and Terrorism Part 1: The Context of Terrorism – Stuart W. Twemlow, Frank C. Sacco and George Hough
A Socio-Psychoanalytic Perspective On Group Dynamics, Cults and Terrorism. Part 2: A Note On Possible Antidotes – Stuart W. Twemlow, Frank C. Sacco, and George Hough
An Exploration of the Dynamics of Emotional Connectedness in a Matrix Structure – Jinette de Gooijer
Book Reviews:
Amado, G. & A. Ambrose (Eds.) (2001) The Transitional Approach to Change, London: Karnac
Silvia Prins
Manfred F.R. Kets de Vries (2001) Struggling with the Demon: Perspectives on Individual and Organizational Irrationality Madison, Connecticut: Psychosocial Press.
Sallyanne Miller
R.D. Hinshelwood and M. Chiesa (Eds.) (2002) Organisations, Anxieties and Defences: Towards a Psychoanalytic social psychology Whurr Publishers, London and Philadelphia.
David Patman

Socio Analysis Vol 4 2002
The Vicissitudes of Identity – Eric Miller
Putting Emotion to Work in the Feeling State – Paul Hoggett
Triangular Spaces and Social Skins in Organisations – Erhard Tietel
Why did the Jews not take Revenge on Germans after the War? A case of Displacement – Dan Bar-On
The Bereaved Consultant: At the Intersection of Personal and Professional Loss – Rose Redding Mersky
On Learning a Skill – David Levine
A Note on Primary Spirit – Alistair Bain and Joshua Bain

Socio Analysis Vol 3 No. 2 – 2001
Enhancing Group Effectiveness through creating and maintaining a “Reflective Space” – Martin Ringer
Impediments to Organisational Effectiveness – Social Defences and Shame in the Workplace – Rosalie Flynn
Transition and Management of Role: Bringing who I am into what I do – Tania Nahumn
A Life Cycle Theory of Bullying: Persecutory Anxiety and a futile search for recognition in the workplace – Shelia White
Book Reviews

Socio Analysis Vol 3 No. 1 – 2001
Enhancing Group Effectiveness through creating and maintaining a “Reflective Space” – Martin Ringer
Impediments to Organisational Effectiveness – Social Defences and Shame in the Workplace – Rosalie Flynn
Transition and Management of Role: Bringing who I am into what I do – Tania Nahumn
A Life Cycle Theory of Bullying: Persecutory Anxiety and a futile search for recognition in the workplace – Shelia White
Book Reviews

Socio Analysis Vol 2 2000
Competition as War: Towards a socio-analysis of war in and among corporations – Burkard Sievers
Containment and Adult Learning: Theory and Practice – James Atherton
Experiencing Racism in Higher Education – Simon Clarke
Managing the Welfare Boundary: A socio-analytic perspective – David Patman
Engaging the Task: A socio-anaylic discussion of task presence and absence – Susan Long
Book Review:
Douglas Kirsner, Unfree Associations: Inside psychoanalytic institutes – Kenneth Eisold

Socio Analysis Vol 1 No. 2 – 1999
On Socio-Analysis – Alistair Bain
The Contribution of Social Dreaming to Socio Analysis – W. Gordon Lawrence
Colonial Domination and the Struggle for Identity: A socio-analytic perspective – Allan Shafer
Who am I at Work? An exploration of work identifications and identity – Susan Long
The Illusion of Identity – Gouranga Chattopadhyay
The Name Card Dilemma – Les Ryan

Socio Analysis Vol 1 No. 1 – 1999
On Socio-Analysis – Alistair Bain
The Contribution of Social Dreaming to Socio Analysis – W. Gordon Lawrence
Colonial Domination and the Struggle for Identity: A socio-analytic perspective – Allan Shafer
Who am I at Work? An exploration of work identifications and identity – Susan Long
The Illusion of Identity – Gouranga Chattopadhyay
The Name Card Dilemma – Les Ryan