Philip Boxer
Vive la différence: when a choice is not about choosing
Margo Lockhart
Dissociation, ‘the Meat Paradox’ and leadership
Hannah Piterman
Society at the edges – Populism, polarisation, and paralysis
Jenny Smith
It’s those bloody boat people again: COVID-19, the Ruby Princess
and the Politics of the Pandemic
Michelle Morrison
Back to the Future: Using psychoanalytic processes to facilitate integrative responses
to paradox within a global, professional services firm
Wendy Harding and Brigid Nossal
The ‘Dream Keepers’: exploring the conscious and unconscious interplay between
dreams, dreamers and reality in the creation of an educational institute
Claudia Nagel
Getting from Fear to Trust.
Book Reviews
Marisa Guerin
The Struggle for Justice: Conversations with John Bottomley about
Transforming Church Community Services by Kate Dempsey, PhD,
published 2020 by Coventry Press, Australia
John Newton
Sand Talk by Tyson Yunkaporta, Melbourne: Text Publishing, 2019.