• The history of now: creating meaning (in the present moment)

    A group relations working confeence
  • 28th November to 2nd December 2022

    Melbourne Australia

    When registering multiple participants from the same organisation, please complete a separate application form for each attendee.
  • GROUP A: First Time Attendee at a Group Relations Conference GROUP B: Previously attended a Group Relations Conference
  • Please include any known allergies.
  • The venue has rooms on several levels. Most conference rooms are on the ground floor and there are some wheelchair accessible bedrooms.
  • Max 200 words
  • Cancellation:

    Before 4 September: 100% refund, less administration fee of $100 Before 2 October: 50% refund After 2 October: No refund
  • Agreement to participate

    I have read the brochure for this conference in detail and apply to participate. I understand that this application constitutes the contract between Group Relations Australia and myself and that my application authorizes the organisation to conduct the conference in the manner described.
  • Terms and Conditions

    By submitting this application it confirms that you have read and agree to the conference terms and conditions.
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PO Box 529, Yarra Glen Victoria  3775  Australia


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